Welcome to the home of the Bethlehem City Democratic Committee. On this site, we hope to deliver tools for any all voters residing in our great city. The members of this committee are elected from each precinct in the city, and are devoted to helping elect Democrats to city-wide, state-wide andDNC Logo federal offices. You can find out more about us on the “About Us” page … and we’d be grateful for any questions or suggestions for resources that we can share on these pages (please use the “contact us” page via the menu above). We’re a ‘big tent’ party: join us!


Governor Josh Shapiro campaigns in the Lehigh Valley


** PA GENERAL ASSEMBLY ACT 77 of 2019 (passed in the fall of 2019) allows for elective voting by mail for all registered voters. You can sign up for mail-in (or absentee) voting by clicking HERE. (Online applications can be completed starting 60 days prior to each election day … outside of those dates, you’ll can REGISTER to VOTE by clicking HERE.) If you’d prefer to complete a paper application for either Mail-In or Absentee Voting, you can request one through the Lehigh County (610-782-3194) or Northampton County (610-829-6260) Voter Registration Offices. For anyone who registered to vote by mail on an ongoing basis, letters to renew your mail-in voting status were mailed (again) the first week of February. Watch your mail, and follow the instructions from your county voting office to renew that status! **

The upcoming PRIMARY ELECTION is April 23rd, 2024! Please make a plan now for how you want to vote. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and can’t find the answers on this site.

For now, you can renew your mail-in voting status (everyone who voted that way last year, and requested a renewal form, should have received an application by mail). If you’re reading this page, you should know that it’s ALSO extremely easy to renew, or register for, your mail-in voting status via the PA Voter Services site linked below (where it says “Other Important/Useful Links for Voters”). Do it today!

Other Important/Useful Links for Voters:

Check Your Registration Status
Request a Mail-in or Absentee Ballot Online!
Confirm the Status and Progress of your Mail-In Ballot


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