Our Purpose and Vision


The purpose of the Bethlehem City Democratic Committee is to support local, state and national Democrats in their development and pursuit of elected offices. To effectively achieve the purpose of the Committee, it must continue to evolve, reacting to the changing values and demographics of the Democrats within the City of Bethlehem. The Committee will be a conduit for all campaigns of registered Democrats, without endorsement, during Democratic Primaries and fully supporting all Democrats in General Elections.

Our Vision is to engage local Democrats to become active in the City Democratic Committee by increasing relevance in the city and in the city Democrat’s lives. The Committee will be both a social arm and local promoter of the Democratic Party, it will strive to be a visible advocate in the community, promoting Democratic Values and increasing voter participation. The Committee will prioritize its efforts on the growing Hispanic Community and the under-served youth to strengthen and make the Party more inclusive.


Our Bylaws


BCDC bylaws adopted April 2018

Our Officers


Ben Felzer (chair) email
Nancy Murnin (vice chair) email
Patrice Teltser (secretary) email
Mark D. Moss (treasurer) email

Standing Committees


GOTV (Get Out The Vote)
Voter Registration

To Contact Your Precinct Committee Person (PCP)
