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Democracy Is On The Line … and Bethlehem Votes MATTER!!
In 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government we have, a monarchy or a republic. His response: “A republic, if you can keep it.” And that, in a nutshell, is what is at stake in this year’s election cycle. The control of the White House, the Congress, the Senate, and the Pennsylvania legislature will be determined this year … and what we can do here in Bethlehem (and the Lehigh Valley) will almost certainly decide whether our democracy stands right up through the highest office in the land. This is not hyperbole … our democracy depends on a government that understands that all our freedoms and rights depend on elected officials who understand true small-d democratic values as well as the fact that negotiation and compromise is right at the top of the job description for every single elected official we elect to represent us. This year, we hope that all of us will vote for candidates who represent our values AND the values and freedoms that are at the core of what makes the American experiment a beacon to people around the world.Please join us in supporting these Democrats running to represent all of us, including all Bethlehem citizens, in the general election this November!
[Click the ▼ after each candidate for bios and more information.]
Candidates to represent us in Washington, DC:
For President & Vice President:
For United States Senator:
- Senator Bob Casey

Since he was elected to the United States Senate in 2006, Bob Casey has worked to create family-sustaining jobs and foster financial security for Pennsylvania families; protect our children and invest in their futures; ensure safety at home and respect for America abroad; promote honesty and accountability in government; preserve the dignity of the vulnerable of all ages among us; and advocate for his constituents and help them solve problems they face.
As a United States Senator, Bob Casey has established a long record of results on behalf of the people of Pennsylvania. He was the prime Senate sponsor of landmark legislation for individuals with disabilities, the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE), which allows millions of families across the United States to save for the long-term care of their loved ones with disabilities in a tax-advantaged savings account. As concerns arose across the nation about the dangers of campus sexual assault, Senator Casey took action and passed into law the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE), which outlines steps schools can take to educate students and help prevent sexual assault, requires uniform reporting standards for sexual assaults on college campuses and requires schools to provide clear guidelines to students on their sexual assault policies.
From legislation to crack down on terrorists’ financing, to a law that makes it easier for small businesses to expand, Senator Casey has passed into law a wide range of measures to keep Americans safe and financially secure. He is committed to raising wages and creating and retaining jobs across Pennsylvania. A tireless advocate for middle-class families, workers, and seniors, Bob Casey is a voice for those who are threatened by Congressional Republicans’ recent attempts to give tax cuts to the ultra-rich and to undermine Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
For U.S. Representative in the 7th Congressional District:
- Congresswoman Susan Wild

As the daughter of an Air Force officer, I moved frequently throughout my childhood—both around the United States and across the world. I moved to the Lehigh Valley more than three decades ago to raise my family, and it’s the only place I’ve ever truly called home.
The Lehigh Valley is where my two children were born and attended public school. It’s where I built a well-respected and recognized legal practice and became the first female Solicitor of the City of Allentown, a position in which I shepherded in a new era of accountability and transparency. In 2018, I became the first woman ever to represent the Lehigh Valley in Congress, and the only Jewish federally elected Pennsylvania official.
My philosophy is simple: getting things done in Washington takes hard work, it requires listening to my constituents, and it demands working with those on the other side of the aisle. Here are some of the principles that guide me:
A working-class ethic.
My dad grew up poor. He was one of six children and his father died when he was eight years old. He and his older brother lived in an orphanage for a couple of years, while their mother was getting back on her feet. My mother’s family did somewhat better, but her father also died when she was only eight, leaving a young widow with two daughters. So both of my parents instilled in me the notion that our circumstances can change on a dime, that whatever fortunate circumstances we may enjoy, we must help others around us who are less fortunate. And, having grown up in a military household to parents who lived through the Great Depression, I understand the concerns of working-class families, because I’ve lived them. I am guided by a core set of values, in part instilled by my liberal Democrat mother and conservative Republican father: that regardless of political party, we must all look out for one another; that everyone deserves an equal voice in our civic processes; and that we must be guided by the simple yet urgent principle of leaving our children a better world than we had ourselves.
Building consensus to take care of business.
I am proud to be rated as one of the most bipartisan members of Congress by the independent Lugar Center. In Congress, I look for ways to build unity between Democrats and Republicans, because I believe that the only way forward is by consensus. I have partnered with Republicans to address issues including mental health, fixing the USPS, supporting veterans, and supporting our manufacturing sector. I will always work with anyone to get things done for the people of my district.
Guaranteeing access to health care.
I came to Washington, in part, to uphold and fulfill my belief that health care is a right, not a privilege, and that Pennsylvanians of every background and income level deserve to have high-quality medical care. The fact that we have two outstanding health networks in PA-07 only serves to emphasize that everyone who lives here should be able to get the care that they provide. In Congress, I have led the fight to protect health care for people with pre-existing conditions, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and ensure that hard working families have access to affordable health insurance.
Walking in your shoes.
To go to college, I — like so many of today’s young Americans — worked and took on student loan debt. Since then, a college education has become exponentially more expensive, and the future of our economy demands smart reforms to help relieve the burden of student debt. I am a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, where I work everyday to address the student loan crisis crippling the next generation of Americans, as well as to make sure that our K-12 public schools have the resources they need.
Listening to — and fighting for — every voice.
I have made it a point to hold regular town halls in every corner of PA-07, from Allentown to Bangor to Jim Thorpe. I believe government works best when it’s driven by what people really care about, and I want to include everyone’s voice in that process. Through my work cutting red tape and fighting government bureaucracy, I have returned hundreds of thousands of dollars to working Pennsylvanians in the form of Social Security payments and VA benefits.
When I am not working for my constituents, I can be found spending time with my family and our dog, Zoey, or cooking up meals with delicious organic ingredients from my home garden, which has been restyled into our 2022 Victory Garden!
Candidates to represent us in Harrisburg:
For PA Attorney General:
- Eugene DePasquale

Prior to his tenure as Auditor General, Mr. DePasquale was a three-term member of the state General Assembly representing the 95th district. He was a leader in advocating for public schools and creating a fairer education funding formula. He was also the first legislator to post his expenses online and is the author of The Alternative Energy Investment Act and led the fight to ban texting while driving.
Mr. DePasquale is a Pittsburgh native. He has a BA from The College of Wooster (OH), an MPA from the University of Pittsburgh and a JD from Widener University School of Law.
Mr. DePasquale has two children. Ben is in graduate school at Georgetown and Sarah is a Junior at Temple University.
Mr. DePasquale is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, York College of PA and Widener University School of Law. Mr. DePasquale is also counsel for several organizations and is the Co-Chair of Energy Future PA. He narrowly lost a congressional race in 2020. In his spare-time he competes in CrossFit, Spartan Races, and triathlons.
For PA Auditor General:
- Malcolm Kenyatta

He has been chosen for multiple prestigious fellowships and international delegations including: the Bertelsmann Leadership Fellow in the Digital Economy, the bipartisan Hunt/Kean Leadership Fellow in Education, and American Jewish Committee (AJC) Project Interchange.
Representative Kenyatta is a barrier-breaking public figure, becoming the first openly LGBTQ+ person of color and one of the youngest members elected to the PA General Assembly in 2018. In 2022, he became the first openly LGBTQ+ person of color to run for the U.S. Senate in American history.
Representative Kenyatta has been a vocal proponent of protecting workers’ rights, enacting common-sense gun safety policies, and rooting out government corruption and waste. He has multiple legislative leadership roles: member of the powerful State Government Committee with oversight on state agencies and elections, Minority Chair of the Subcommittee on Campaign Finance and Elections, Minority Chair of Automation and Technology in the Committee on Commerce, and a member of the Finance Committee. Since elected, he has additionally served on Governor Tom Wolf’s Suicide Prevention Task Force, and he has been a member of the Philadelphia Delegation leadership team.
In 2020, he was chosen by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to give the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention along with a group of other ‘Rising Stars’. Representative Kenyatta appears regularly on local and national media outlets including 60 Minutes, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.
His political career and life have been the subject of two documentaries: an award-winning short, Going Forward and an Al Roker (Today Show)-produced feature length film, Kenyatta: Do Not Wait Your Turn. He lives in North Philadelphia with his husband Dr. Matthew Kenyatta and their dog Cleo.
For PA Treasurer:
- Erin McClelland

I spent 15 years of my career as a substance abuse and mental health counselor and served as a program manager and director in treatment systems in multiple Western PA counties. In 2003, I began working at the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addiction (IRETA) as their Process Improvement Manager. My work was dedicated to reducing the 10-year information gap between best-practice research and clinical integration throughout Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey.
During that time, I had the privilege to train under the direction of former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill, where I learned supply chain logistics and lean process improvement strategies to eliminate errors, increase effectiveness, reduce waste, and improve outcomes in large systems. While at IRETA, I served as an opiate addiction consultant on the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy’s (ONDCP) 25 Cities Initiative.
In 2006, I designed, successfully state-licensed, and operated the first and only orthomolecular recovery program for addiction in Pennsylvania. This program raised nearly $2 million in venture capital funding and was featured twice in Industrial Engineer Magazine for using supply chain management principles and lean systems to improve effectiveness. Not willing to succumb to common claims of over-regulation in the substance abuse treatment system by some providers, I set a goal to achieve a perfect evaluation in the clinic’s annual state audit and achieved it.
In 2014 and 2016, I was the Democratic nominee for the United State Congress in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District serving Cambria, Somerset, Beaver, Westmoreland, Lawrence, and Allegheny Counties. Being on the ballot with Donald Trump and seeing first-hand the issues of rural and working-class voters ignored by my own party was an experience and a conscious awareness that I carry with me to this day.
In 2015 I began performing process improvement and policy work at the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS). My work includes redesigning the organization’s employee performance management system, developing a merit-based hiring process and policy, writing the employee medical marijuana policy, and identifying points of systemic-bias in the employee recruitment and retention processes. Every day I work to standardize employees’ work, eliminate systemic bias, and advocate for blame-free work-place principles that protect workers, improve morale, and decrease turn-over and other forms of systemic loss.
I have thoroughly enjoyed starting and operating a small business and working to improve government systems, processes, and policies while advocating for our public-sector workers. My experience has taught me, in any large complex adaptive system, it doesn’t matter how good your intentions are if you don’t have viable systemic answers to two fundamental questions: What problem are you trying to solve and what is the root cause of this problem? The devil lies completely in the details of the policy solutions you implement. And it’s time we elect a responsible, honest-broker to oversee the Commonwealth’s Treasury who is committed to rebuilding our state’s supply chain with transparency and integrity and managing our taxpayer’s coffers with diligence and accountability.
For PA House District 133 (incl. the Lehigh Co. parts of Bethlehem)
- State Representative Jeanne McNeill

Jeanne has always been a champion of those in need. For the past 14 years, she has been employed by CLIU 21 as a skills trainer teaching job skills, independence, and life skills to young adults with disabilities in order to give them the independence, self-esteem and opportunity they need to become productive members of society. Before becoming a skills trainer, Jeanne was employed by Parkland High School in the College Resource Room, assisting students with the difficult selection of which college to attend as well as their field of study.
Community service has always been a top priority for her, from organizing donations for fire victims and fundraising events for cancer patients, to hosting Thanksgiving dinners for those in need and serving spaghetti dinners at her church. Jeanne has always been there for friends and strangers alike and will bring that passion, dedication and willingness to further serve the constituents throughout her legislative district. Jeanne will carry on her late husband’s work, as was his wish, and continue to fight for working families, seniors and women’s rights, against discrimination of any kind, and the right for the physically and mentally challenged to have the same opportunities as the rest of the residents of this commonwealth. She is also committed to addressing the opioid crisis that is plaguing this state and taking more lives young and old every day. She will continue the shared vision of her late husband of bettering the lives of the residents of the 133rd District as well as those across Pennsylvania.
Jeanne lives in Whitehall Township, and spends her free time with her daughters and grandchildren Kenzie, Isabelle, and Lincoln. She attends community events as her schedule permits.
For PA House District 135 (incl. the Northampton Co. parts of Bethlehem)
- State Representative Steve Samuelson

Serving the state’s senior citizens has always been a priority for Rep. Samuelson. Every year his constituent services office assists more than 900 residents with their Property Tax / Rent Rebate applications.
Before being elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1998, Rep. Samuelson was a legislative aide and clerk to the Lehigh County Board of Commissioners for 9 years, an experience giving him a great understanding of the challenges facing local governments. Rep. Samuelson also served as a legislative assistant to state Reps. Paul McHale and Karen Ritter, and was a reporter for the former Globe-Times newspaper.
A Bethlehem resident, Rep. Samuelson is a graduate of Liberty High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in government from Lehigh University. He is a graduate of Leadership Lehigh Valley. He has always been active in his community having served as a PTA Board member at Spring Garden Elementary School, president of the Bethlehem Area Jaycees, a board member of Habitat for Humanity of Humanity of the Lehigh Valley, and a volunteer for Freedom High School Theatre.
He is the father of two grown children, Molly and Michael.